A simple way to own broadcasting's internet onramps.

I have owned these domains since the internet began.
My goal is to give them - free - to the next owner. Then exit.

RadioAdvertiser.com       TVadvertiser.com       RadioAdInfo.com
RadioRow.com                RRadioMusic.com     TVAdInfo.com
RadioAdsOnline.com       AudioGraphics.com   RadioGraphics.com
TVadvertisers.com           OurRadioMusic.com

To receive instructions on applying just complete the items below.
I will choose the person or organization, and which names they will soon be given.
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* E-mail Address
* Your Name

* Do you represent a company?


* Are you an entrepreneur?


* Are you an educator?


Ken Dardis
Audio Graphics

Thank you for attending my Retirement Parting.
My need to own the above domain names disappeared with retirement.

Handing them to the next owner needs a logical path though, as this is the first time a group of industry related domain names has been offered. There's no precedent for determining who is chosen. Being able to succinctly articulate your objective is core to my choice.


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